Ethical Architecture

colony was founded on the idea that buildings have a big impact on the world, and that we should acknowledge this in their design. so we decided to work towards ethical goals.

community projects
we love to get involved in community projects. if its a local allotment society that needs a shed, or a beautiful sport field that needs a new pavilion, we are happy to work with your committee.

low energy building
we have an interest in self-build and enjoy helping clients select the technology best for them. we have links to energy consultants and can produce reports for how to make your home or office more efficient and better for the enviroment.

discounts for good work
we offer reduced fees for socially beneficial projects and can organise payments around grants. we can be involved in fundraising and marketing events and can advise on different funding structures.

we don't think it's all about "big ideas" though. we try to include natural lighting and ventillation wherever we can in our designs, and try to make spaces that make people feel good. this can be by use of a good view, or a well organised garden, or just by putting the compost bin closer to the kitchen.

and most importantly we are individuals who care passionately about our world. We not only help to shape our built environment through architecture, planning and construction - we also engage with community groups and the political realm to make things happen. Ed is part of his local neighborhood plan group, Stu cares for the waterways with the National Trust, Nick grooms landladies. For us Colony is not just a job, it is a responsibility, a vocation or lifestyle.